How to save money with Space Heaters
The best way to save money with zone heating (or with the commonly known space heaters) is not to replace your central heating with them. If you were to compare costs of heating your whole house with gas against electricity, it would we 40% cheaper with gas. The way you can save money is with a hybrid method which is this: If your comfort level is 72 degrees, You can set your central heating to a lower temperature like 65 degrees. Then you only run your space heater in the room you spend the most time in. Some people even like to get a space heater for each room and then optimize them by setting them on schedules. For example you can set your bedroom heater to turn on an hour before bedtime and turn off around the same time you wake up. By turning down central heating and only using an efficient space heater in the rooms that you spend time in, the savings can really add up!